Our commitment to privacy

Arif Habib Limited (AHL) respects your rights to privacy and recognizes your right to confidentiality and integrity. AHL is committed to safeguard the personal information about our current and prospective customers and thus, via this privacy policy we explain how we adhere to regulatory requirements when gathering your personal data and further use it to personalize the online trading and investing process to enhance user experience. In accordance with this policy, "personal information" refers to data that identifies a specific individual and is gathered or stored for business purposes and by which the individual can be identified.

Please be aware that certain aspects of this policy may vary depending on whether you contact us directly as an individual investor or through an investment professional. AHL endeavors users to feel reassured that they are navigating securely.

What personal information about you do we process?

The following is a list of the personal data we process when you interact with us:

  • Name
  • Information about the account, including contact details
  • Postal code
  • Fax or phone number
  • Your email address and other contact information for electronic communications.
  • Birth date
  • Information from passports and other state or government-issued forms of identification
  • Information about the account, including contact details
  • Details about the device and browser
  • Information on how an app is used
  • Data obtained through the use of technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, and google tags
  • Information on demographics
  • We and our service providers collect the above information in a variety of ways. This includes from you directly and:

    • Information derived via a browser or device: This information is usually assimilated by most browsers or automatically through devices. AHL collects the information regarding your IP address which is be identified and logged automatically in our server log files every time our customer uses our mobile/website services to retrieve the appropriate files and display them in your browser window. AHL does use informatics addresses for functions corresponding to scheming the amount of use of our services by customers as well as to identify the server related issues to ensure that related issues do not reoccur for better and for administration purposes. We may additionally derive approximate location from IP address for such purposes and to research/track the platform where our website, apps and services are used by the customers.
    • Information obtained using cookies and other similar tracking: AHL employs tracking technologies such as cookies etc. to gather information about our customers. Cookies are small data files stored on your disk drive that help us improve our services and your experience. AHL might employ the information obtained via cookies to analyze or track data as well as deliver content targeted to your interests on our services, improve our content and better understand your online activity.
    • Information from third party sources: We might derive your data from third party sources which incorporates the data we may collect about you via social networks or other similar data analytics platforms.

Also note that in order to fulfill the legal/regulatory obligations, all the correspondence done electronically are tend to be retained by the entity for internal use. This retained information is additionally accustomed to provide a record of communications between the user and the organization when or where legal need approaches.

Purpose of using personal Data:

AHL optimizes the personal data gathered to provide, maintain and further refine our services to personalize your content while you browse and navigate through the app.

AHL also employs the collected personal data of users for the purposes which incorporates:

  • To create AHL account and maintain the same along with the verification of your stated credentials
  • To retain all the information regarding your communications/correspondence held with us for the basis of conserving business relationships
  • To keep up with consistent improved services by communicating the users about new features developed, new services offered along with new content that we think might interest you
  • To monitor and send users the technical or security alerts
  • To send support and administrative messages as well as debug the errors in the offered services
  • To comply with our legal and financial obligations
  • To analyze and reply to complaints or incidents about AHL or about our offered services so that we keep up service quality and coach our employees to contend with lodged complaints, queries and arisen disputes
  • To keep the users posted in connection with a proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any portion of our business
  • To establish, exercise and/or defend legal claims or rights and to protect, exercise and enforce our rights, property or safety, or to assist our clients or others to do this

AHL, in order to extend users with particular services relating but not restricted to brokerage and research, necessitates processing of user personal data implied by regulatory and legal requirements (for example KYC and AML)

Moreover, users should note that some or all of the services offered by AHL may be restricted on the grounds of incomplete information or if the necessary or mandatory information required by the platform is not provided in a timely manner.


AHL makes use of the obtained information just to process the transactions or offer services asked by our potential users but in any case, doesn’t employ any of data gathered that uniquely identifies the user for selling, lending or leasing purposes with any associated or non- associated third party.


AHL stores personal data accompanying with user account for as long as it serves the purpose for which it has been gathered through diverse sources. When figuring out an appropriate retention period, AHL tends to take into account all the risks ranging from processing, to contractual, legal and financial requirements aligned with reliance on the lawful bases as delineated during this privacy policy.


By surfing/browsing or using our trading app, you agree to our above outlined policies relating to gathering, processing, using, disclosing, and managing your personal data / history. Further you explicitly consent to activate cookies and similar tracker to process your private data. AHL reserves all the rights to modify this privacy policy at any time with or without prior notice.